An eBook is the perfect product to use for specific campaign or promotion because it can be delivered remotely at very little cost and it serves as a reward for those customers who opt to engage with you. For this kind of promotional activity, you can use a good old-fashioned PDF, rather than looking at mobi or EPUB formats. Maybe you can use this kind of activity to build a direct relationship with your audience? Maybe you could use this to attract authors in a specific niche you are trying to capitalize on?
You have experienced commissioning, editorial, marketing and sales skill-sets, authors have the content, so why not reach out to them! Here’s how an eBook promotion could work:
1. Choose an eBook on a topic of specific interest or, try to choose a title that relates to the theme. Do some research to find out what search terms and key phrases are popular in your market.
2. Using a unique URL, set up a simple Web landing page where customers will go to download the eBook. Ensure the page has an effective form to allow the transaction to take place. The page should be supported by a good CRM system (Customer Relationship Management).
3. Create a marketing campaign (probably social media driven) that promotes the free eBook and include the URL of the download page.
4. Market the content and get the word out amongst your target audience! Customers are directed to the web page and download the free eBook after first typing in their email address and granting permission to receive occasional email promotions.
5. Once an email address is put into the download page, the CRM software will automatically send a message that contains the password for the free download. The software will also track the email addresses associated with fulfilled downloads.
6. Over time, this tactic helps build an email list of customers who already have a connection to your company and your products. Used judiciously, this list can generate a better-than-average response to future email promotions and deepen customer loyalty.
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